a fine 30th, indeed.

(be forewarned: this is a big post all about me. )

I was originally supposed to be an Aquarius, but 30 years ago, the fates got together and conspired to make me a (somewhat atypical) Capricorn , instead. My folks introduced me to the world a little bit early after running some errands around Saigon on a moped, as young Saigonese were wont to do. My mom’s water broke 2 weeks before I was due to arrive, and I had to be poked and prodded and induced to come on out a couple weeks early. So, this year, my early 30th came with a flurry of love and hugs and happy warm fuzzies. Guess what? 30 isn’t so bad after all! I don’t know why I was feeling so dreadful about it in the days leading up to this birthday, but I can honestly say all is ok in my little world today.

I am a very lucky girl. A very lucky, (now) well-adjusted 30-year-old girl.

Thank you all for your very kind birthday wishes! They warmed me in the belly, which warms me in my little gnome heart. Thank you! Special K and Yvonne, thank you so very much for your bloggy birthday wishes! Wowie Zowie!

And, I have a few Happy Birthday wishes to send out to my fellow Cappies:

Happy Birthday, Cappies!

Monkey and Casey woke me to many happy surprises. I have the most fabulous Monkey hubby in the world. He crafted me a most fantastical birthday card from Lego (!). I didn’t manage to get a good video of it, and my pic doesn’t do it justice, but I appreciated so much all the love and creativity and effort he poured into this beauty:

The ’30’ in front rotates depending on the program you select (which he programmed in!). And there are 3 cutie monkeys all around the base of this Lego ‘caketop.’ Brilliant!

And then I got spoiled rotten with gifties!

My folks and Lizzie gave me loads of cozy sweaters and snazzy trousers and a great Madeline-like coat. I should be the snazziest little corporate clone around in the coming year. I love new clothes, especially since I abstained from shopping like the fiend I am while I was on leave from work. It was all very welcome and wonderful. Lizzie also gave me the new Stitch N Bitch book and the great cake pictured above (I love the orange pinked edge on top and the polka dots all around the side of the cake). She too got in on making a sweet birthday card:

Isn’t it the sweetest thing? I love that it’s from all the family pooches as well as her and Mike. So cute.

Monkey got me a world of fabbie things (it’s going to be hard to match for his birthday…but I will try!):

I finally opened that fab gift Special K got for me: a gloriously gorgeous set of Murano glass bangles! Thank you, Special K!! You are exquisite.

I got a fun handmade card from Melissa, and it arrived just in the nick of time, Melissa, no worries at all. Thank you so much!! By the by, I’m trying to talk Melissa into starting her blog up! She has been regaling me with the most fabulous crafty endeavours she’s been up to since she’s left the corporate giant. I think she should show and tell! Perhaps a few notes from nice bloggers will help encourage her to get it going!

And, Birthday Night was closed out nicely with a yummy meal at Big Bowl (my goodness, is that place hopping with folks, even in the bitterest of winter nights!), all thanks to my Lizzie.

I hope the rest of the year goes as swimmingly as my first day of 30 did! Thanks to all who made me so many happy birthday wishes.